Give us your poor, your tired, your flesh eating masses
Submissions run September first through September twenty eight.
Stories run on the site October first through the thirty first.
Fan voting runs November first through the seventh on the Astounding outpost facebook page.
NeuralNets Uplinks and WetWare
Submissions run October first through September twenty eight.
Stories will run November on the site November first through the thirty-first. Fan voting runs December first through the seventh on the Astounding Outpost facebook page.
Ghouls Ghosts and Grave Robbers
Submissions run November first through November twenty eight,
Stories will run on the site December first through the thirty first.
Fan voting runs January first through the seventh on the Astounding Outpost facebook page.
Swords, Sorcery, and Subway Cars
Submissions run November fifteenth through December fifteenth. Stories will run on the site January first through the thirty first. Fan voting runs February first through the seventh.