For some it’s pumpkin spice season. For us it’s zombie season. Zombies have become all of the rage, over the last ten years. There are some excellent films, and some definitely worth skipping. Rolling Stone compiled a list of the top ten, and honestly they should stick to music.I’ll give them Dawn of the Dead(1978), Night of the Living Dead, and Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive, The rest I like, but I’m not so sure they are the best Zombie films.
Tonight on Friday Night Freak Show : Night of the Living Dead
Tonight 8 PM central US time the classic Night of the Living Dead
Coming Soon to Friday Night Freak Show- Night of the Living Dead
30 Horror Films You May Not Know But Should
Interesting read from Buzz Feed. Some of these are really good pics. I will say the Dorm the Dripped Blod is the only slasher pic that ever scared me. Even though it was made during the slasher hey day of the 80’s it broke some, a lot, of the slasher rules. There was something about not knowing what would happen next that messed with my young head. Definitely worth the read.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Turns 42
The cult classic, Rocky Horror turns 42 today. I wonder over the years how many virgins have been sacrificed, and how much toast has been thrown?