Podcast Episode 1 : George Romero and Zombies

With the zombie call in full swing we thought we’d launch Astounding Radio with a discussion of George Romero and Zombies. While missed by many film circles Romero’s work was ground breaking and shaped the future of film making,, story telling, and of course the modern obsession with zombies.  Dawn of the Dead is an underrated master piece, and Martin is disturbing beyond words. If you haven’t seen his films, or still need to see some of them we’ve gathered  them altogether Here.

Fast Zombies Suck

While you’re busy writing your zombie stories we thought we’d share a short film with you, to maybe get your creative juices flowing. For your consumption The Astounding Outpost presents Fast Zombies Suck, a short film by Brian Keene. We want to thank Keene for writing the Rising, and of course making his movie free on YouTube.

Lastly, George Romero, we miss you and your slow zombies.

Updated Submission Guidelines

Many thanks to everyone who has submitted so far. Based on the quality of a few longer stories submitted we have decided to expand story length to 7500 words. We still prefer stories under 4000 words, but will accept stories up to 7500 words.

Remember the submission period will remain open until September twenty-eight.
Also, since several of you have asked, yes we will take reprints.

Check out the new and improve call here.