David Prowse

While he is best known as the body of Darth Vader his career included A Clockwork Orange
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIJ6Ymv0MtY[/embedyt]
He was also faced off against Jon Pertwee’s Doctor in the Time Monster

His second most famous role was that of the Green Cross Code Man

Which he reprised in the 21st century

As he was silent for most parts, here is a video of a 1980 interview

Friday Night Freak Show- Buck Rogers and the Planet Outlaws

In 1953 the Buck Roger’s serial Starring Buster Crabbe was edited together in one film tilted- Buck Rogers Planet Outlaws. Buck Roger’s is the starting point which through a line of Burkean connections leads us to Star Wars. After Buck Rogers appeared as a comic strip King Features Syndicate wanted to do a sci-fi strip of their own. After Edgar Rice Burroughs turned down their offer for the rights to John Carter Alex Raymond created Flash Gordon. Years later George Lucas wanted to adopt Flash Gordon into a movie but failed to get the rights- so he created Star Wars.